Audio Clip 9: (transcript of audio clip below)
From The Seth Audio Collection, Volume 1, Tape 1, Selection 2, Excerpt A:
The self tries to solve a particular problem. In so doing, it may end up with a physical difficulty. The physical difficulty is meant to remind the personality of the inner problem behind it. The difficulty will be cleared up when the inner problem is.
From the book Seth Speaks: must be taught and trained to create responsibly. Yours is a training system for emerging consciousness. The training will serve you for existence in a variety of interrelated systems.
If the sorrows and agonies within your system were not felt as real, the lessons would not be learned.
From The Seth Audio Collection, Volume 1:
...the body has its own integrity and illness is often simply a natural sign of imbalance, a physical message to which you are to listen and make inner adjustments accordingly.
From the book, The Nature of Personal Reality:
The inner self always attempts to maintain the body's equilibrium and health, but many times your own beliefs prevent it from coming to your aid with even half of the energy available to it.
Within the bounds of creaturehood, certain things are possible and certain things are not. You cannot regenerate a limb, or grow a new one...
Realize that your point of power is in the present.